Postdoctoral Research Fellow, BioSystems & Micromechanics IRG, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
- 2009-present Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
BioSystems & Micromechanics IRG, SMART
- 2008-2009 Research Fellow, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- 2008 Consultant for Magnetic Resonance based biosensor device, nanoMR Inc. and New Mexico Resonance Institute, United State
- 2005-2008 PhD. in Science, Department of Advanced Electronic and Optical Sciences, Osaka University, Japan
- 2007 Visiting Scholar, National Laboratory of Biophysics and Physics, Estonia
- 2003-2005 Master in Engineering Science, Department of Advanced Electronic and Optical Sciences, Osaka University, Japan
- 1999-2002 Bachelor of Science,
University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Research Interests
- Pneumatic actuator and sensing valve for feedback controlled system in microfluidic application
- Fabrication and development of micro Magnetic Resonance system for single cell detection
- Signal processing and real-time monitoring with feedback system
Awards/Research Grants
- 2009 Awarded Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Postdoctoral Fellows and Annual Research Grants
- 2009 Awarded NMR best technique by JEOL, Inc.
- JEOL recognized and included my PhD work (NICP and SADIS CP pulse sequence) as part of their standard technique JEOL-NMR spectrometer
- 2008 49th Experimental NMR Conference Student Travel Award
- 2007 48th Experimental NMR Conference Student Travel Award
- 2006 47th Experimental NMR Conference Student Travel Award
- 2002-2008 Awarded Japanese Government Scholar- Monbukagosho Scholarship
- 2000-2002 Dean’s List for 4 consecutive semesters
- 1997 National Olympiad Physics Quiz (distinction)
- 1997 Australian National Chemistry Quiz (distinction)
Selected peer-reviewed publications / Patents
- Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Chen Lan (SMART), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “Development of miniaturized, portable Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry System for Point-of-Care Medical Diagnosis,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 095115 (2012)
- Tian Fook Kong (NTU/SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Trung Dung Luong (NTU), Nam-Trung Nguyen (NTU) and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Adhesive-based liquid metal radio-frequency microcoil for magnetic resonance relaxometry measurement", Lab on a Chip,12, 287-294 (2012)
- W. K. Peng (SMART), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), "Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for Label-free Rapid Malaria Diagnosis" Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) @ Connecticut, USA, Oct 2011.
- W.K. Peng, K. Takeda, M. Kitagawa, A New Techniques for Cross Polarization Compatible with High Spinning Frequencies and High Magnetic Fields, Chem. Phys. Lett. 417 (2005) 58 (This worked was honored by JEOL, a Japanese Company, as the best methodology for Cross Polarization in Solid-State NMR and is included in their
JEOL-NMR-SPECTROMETER as their standard technique.
- W.K. Peng, K. Takeda, M. Kitagawa, A New Techniques for Cross Polarization Compatible with High Spinning Frequencies and High Magnetic Fields, JEOL Application Note NM080004
- W.K. Peng, K. Takeda, Efficient Cross Polarization with Simultaneous Adiabatic Frequency Sweep on the Source and Target Channels, J. Magn. Reson., 188 (2007) 267
- W.K. Peng, A. Samoson, M. Kitagawa, Simultaneous adiabatic spin-locking cross polarization in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic complexes, Chem. Phys. Lett., 460 (2008) 531
- X.H. Wang, W.K. Peng, W.S. Lew, Flux-closure chirality control and domain wall trapping as observed in asymmetric magnetic ring, J. Appl. Phys., 106 (2009) 043905
- W.K. Peng, W.S. Lew, Integrated Pocket-sized Lab-on-Chip Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-Imaging, US Provisional Patent Application Filed (06/17/2009), 61/187,784
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